More views around the village

At one time this pump supplied the village. the building behind it is the little school.

The start of Lower End from the main through road in the village. As you go through the village from Carterton to Clanfiled this is the only road on the right. We have a public phone box at the top of this road & also the village notice board. There is a map of all properties & names in the village which assist the delivery drivers when calling

Lower End approaching the fork

Lane off Lower End into Park Farm. This lane has no name. Down this lane on the right behind the house (seen in photo)is a public right of way walk through the field called The Green

Enclosed play area

Enclosed play are

View of the enclosed play area from the public car park

From our village public car park, with the road on the right in this photo is the gate which leads to the village hall. Note the dog litter bin on the left. Further on the left is the entrance to the MUGA area - No dogs allowed

The path from the village hall to the public car park. 2014 the Village Hall paid to have this new surface for the path & it is wheel chair friendly